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cligenerate [OPTIONS]


The cli package and cli application generator provides a standard way to construct a command line interfaces encouraging uniformity across applications built at Caltech Library. The cligenerator program is intended primarily to be an example of how to use the cli package.


This is a cli application generator. It also demonstrates how to use the cli package.


Below are a set of options available.

    -app                set the name of your generated app (e.g. helloworld)
    -e, -examples       display examples
    -generate-manpage   generate man page
    -generate-markdown  generate markdown documentation
    -h, -help           display help
    -i, -input          input file name
    -l, -license        display license
    -name, -author      set the author name (e.g. '@author Jane Doe, <>')
    -nl, -newline       if true add a trailing newline
    -o, -output         output file name
    -p, -pretty         pretty print output
    -quiet              suppress error messages
    -synopsis           set a short application description (e.g. says 'Hello World!')
    -use-bugs           filename holding bugs
    -use-description    filename holding a detailed description of application.
    -use-examples       filename holding examples
    -use-license        filename holding the license
    -v, -version        display version


Example generating a new “helloworld”

    cligenerate -app=helloworld \
        -name="@author Jane Doe, <>" \
        -decription="This is a demo cli" \

cligenerate v0.0.14