As of 2.1 a minimal level of backward dataset v1.1 was added. This includes support for libdataset, a C-shared library. The goal in adding support for v1.1 was to facilate migration in the Caltech Library feeds project. Some features in v1.1 are not available and the features recreated from v1.1 were done so in a way that maintains the approach of v2. Aside from continuing support for libdataset the specific v1.1 features will likely be depreciated over time in the name of keeping the project as simple as possible maintaining focus on the core benefits of dataset versus other JSON store systems.
The methods related to Namaste data have not be implememented as v2
of dataset uses a codemeta.json file for collection metadata. E.g.
, Where
, Location
The methods KeySort
and KeyFilter
are not
The DocPath
method returns a full path to the JSON
documented stored in a Pairtree collection. If the collection uses an
SQL store then you will get an empty string and an error indicating that
storage type is not supported by DocPath
The Keys
method returns a list of keys (slice of
strings) and an error value.
The following methods were normalized to conform with Go idioms in the standard library.
became HasKey
became HasFrame
The methods for working with versioned content have the order of the parameters revised, basically semver is now the last paramter.
Do to the changes in how keys and attachments are handled in v2 you
don’t need to “santize” your returned JSON object. Dataset v2 does not
inject a _Key
or _Attachments
values in the
JSON document stored. This changes the Read
signature for collection objects.
The Init
method takes a DSN as the second parameter, if
the DSN is an empty string then the collection created will use a
Pairtree store.