dataset command line interface supports creating JSON object
collections and managing the JSON object documents in a collection.
When creating new documents in the collection or updating documents
in the collection the JSON source can be read from the command line, a
file or from standard input.
- help
will give documentation of help on a verb, e.g. “help create”
- model
provides an experimental interactive data model generator creating the
“model.yaml” file in the data set collection’s root directory.
- create
creates a new JSON document in the collection
- read
retrieves the “current” version of a JSON document from the collection
writing it standard out
- update
updates a JSON document in the collection
- delete
removes all versions of a JSON document from the collection
- keys
returns a list of keys in the collection
- codemeta:
copies metadata a codemeta file and updates the collections metadata
- attach
attaches a document to a JSON object record
- attachments
lists the attachments associated with a JSON object record
- retrieve
creates a copy local of an attachement in a JSON record
- detach
will copy out the attachment to a JSON document into the current
- prune
removes an attachment (including all versions) from a JSON record
- frame-names
lists the frames defined in a collection
- frame
will add a data frame to a collection
- frame-def
will return the definition of a frame
- frame-keys
will retrieve the object keys in a frame
- frame-objects
will retrieve the object list in a frame
- reframe
will recreate a frame using its existing definition but replacing
objects based on a new set of keys provided
- refresh
will update all objects currently in the frame based on the current
state of the collection. Any keys deleted in the collection will be
delete from the frame.
- delete-frame
will remove a frame from the collection
- has-frame
will return true (exit 0) if frame exists, false (exit 1) if not
- set-versioning
will set the versioning of a collection. The versioning value can be
““,”none”, “major”, “minor”, or “patch”
- get-versioning
will display the versioning setting for a collection
A word about “keys”. dataset uses the concept of key/values for
storing JSON documents where the key is a unique identifier and the
value is the object to be stored. Keys must be lower case alpha numeric
only. Depending on storage engines there are issues for keys with
punctation or that rely on case sensitivity. E.g. The pairtree storage
engine relies on the host file system. File systems are notorious for
being picky about non-alpha numeric characters and some are not case
A word about “GLOBAL_OPTIONS” in v2 of dataset. Originally all
options came after the command name, now they tend to come after the
verb itself. This is because context counts in trying to remember
options (at least for the authors of dataset). There are three
“GLOBAL_OPTIONS” that are exception and they are -version
and -license
. All other options come
after the verb and apply to the specific action the verb implements.
- -help
display help
- -license
display license
- -version
display version
dataset help init
dataset init my_objects.ds
dataset model my_objects.ds
dataset help create
dataset create my_objects.ds "123" '{"one": 1}'
dataset create my_objects.ds "234" mydata.json
cat <<EOT | dataset create my_objects.ds "345"
"four": 4,
"five": "six"
dataset update my_objects.ds "123" '{"one": 1, "two": 2}'
dataset delete my_objects.ds "345"
dataset keys my_objects.ds
dataset 2.1.23