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Runs a web service for one or more dataset collections. Requires the collections to exist (e.g. created previously with the dataset cli). It requires a settings JSON file that decribes the web service configuration and permissions per collection that are available via the web service.


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Starting up the web service

   datasetd settings.json

In this example we cover a short life cycle of a collection called “t1.ds”. We need to create a “settings.json” file and an empty dataset collection. Once ready you can run the datasetd service to interact with the collection via cURL.

To create the dataset collection we use the “dataset” command and the “vi” text edit (use can use your favorite text editor instead of vi).

    dataset init t1.ds
    vi settings.json

In the “setttings.json” file the JSON should look like.

        "host": "localhost:8485",
        "sql_type": "mysql",
        "dsn": "DB_USER:DB_PASSWORD@/DB_NAME"

Now we can run datasetd and make the dataset collection available via HTTP.

    datasetd settings.json

You should now see the start up message and any log information display to the console. You should open a new shell sessions and try the following.

We can now use cURL to post the document to the “/t1/create/one” end point.

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8485/t1/create/one \
        -d '{"one": 1}'

Now we can list the keys available in our collection.

    curl http://localhost:8485/t1/keys

We should see “one” in the response. If so we can try reading it.

    curl http://localhost:8485/t1/read/one

That should display our JSON document. Let’s try updating (replacing) it.

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8485/t1/update/one \
        -d '{"one": 1, "two": 2}'

If you read it back you should see the updated record. Now lets try deleting it.

    curl http://localhost:8485/t1/delete/one

List the keys and you should see that “one” is not longer there.

    curl http://localhost:8485/t1/keys

In the shell session where datasetd is running press “ctr-C” to terminate the service.

datasetd 2.1.10