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datasetd provides a web service for one or more dataset collections. Requires the collections to exist (e.g. created previously with the dataset cli). It requires a settings JSON or YAML file that decribes the web service configuration and permissions per collection that are available via the web service.


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The settings files provides datasetd with the configuration of the service web service and associated dataset collection(s).

It can be writen as either a JSON or YAML file. If it is a YAML file you should use the “.yaml” extension so that datasetd will correctly parse the YAML.

The top level YAML attributes are

(required) hostname a port for the web service to listen on, e.g. localhost:8485
(optional) if set static content will be serviced based on this path. This is a good place to implement a browser side UI in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
(required) A list of dataset collections that will be supported with this web service. The dataset collections can be pairtrees or SQL stored. The latter is preferred for web access to avoid problems of write collisions.

The collections object is a list of configuration objects. The configuration attributes you should supply are as follows.

(required) The path to the dataset collection you are providing a web API to.
(optional) is map of query name to SQL statement. A POST is used to access the query (i.e. a POST To the path “/api/<COLLECTION_NAME>/query/<QUERY_NAME>”) The parameters submitted in the post are passed to the SQL statement. NOTE: Only dataset collections using a SQL store are supported. The SQL needs to conform the SQL dialect of the store being used (e.g. MySQL, Postgres, SQLite3). The SQL statement functions with the same contraints of dsquery SQL statements. The SQL statement is defined as a YAML text blog.

API Permissions

The following are permissioning attributes for the collection. These are global to the collection and by default are set to false. A read only API would normally only include “keys” and “read” attributes set to true.

(optional, default false) allow object keys to be listed
(optional, default false) allow object creation through a POST to the web API
(optional, default false) allow object to be read through a GET from the web API
(optional, default false) allow object updates through a PUT to the web API.
(optional, default false) allow object deletion through a DELETE to the web API.
(optional, default false) list object attachments through a GET to the web API.
(optional, default false) Allow adding attachments through a POST to the web API.
(optional, default false) Allow retrieving attachments through a GET to the web API.
(optional, default false) Allow removing attachments through a DELETE to the web API.
(optional, default false) Allow reading frames from a GET to the web API.
(optional, default false) Allow writing new frames through a POST to the web API.
(optional, default false) Allow setting versioning of attachments via POST to the web API.


Starting up the web service

   datasetd settings.yaml

In this example we cover a short life cycle of a collection called “t1.ds”. We need to create a “settings.json” file and an empty dataset collection. Once ready you can run the datasetd service to interact with the collection via cURL.

To create the dataset collection we use the “dataset” command and the “vi” text edit (use can use your favorite text editor instead of vi).

    createdb t1
    dataset init t1.ds \
    vi settings.yaml

You can create the “settings.yaml” with this Bash script. I’ve created an htdocs directory to hold the static content to interact with the dataset web service.

mkdir htdocs
cat <<EOT >settings.yaml
host: localhost:8485
htdocs: htdocs
  # Each collection is an object. The path prefix is
  # /api/<dataset_name>/...
  - dataset: t1.ds
    # What follows are object level permissions
    keys: true
    create: true
    read: true
    update: true
    delete: true
    # These are attachment related permissions
    attachments: true
    attach: true
    retrieve: true
    prune: true
    # These are frame level permissions
    frame_read: true
    frame_write: true
    # This sets versioning behavior
    versions: true

Now we can run datasetd and make the dataset collection available via HTTP.

    datasetd settings.yaml

You should now see the start up message and any log information display to the console. You should open a new shell sessions and try the following.

We can now use cURL to post the document to the “api//t1.ds/object/one” end point.

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8485/api/t1.ds/object/one \
        -d '{"one": 1}'

Now we can list the keys available in our collection.

    curl http://localhost:8485/api/t1.ds/keys

We should see “one” in the response. If so we can try reading it.

    curl http://localhost:8485/api/t1.ds/read/one

That should display our JSON document. Let’s try updating (replacing) it.

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8485/api/t1.ds/object/one \
        -d '{"one": 1, "two": 2}'

If you read it back you should see the updated record. Now lets try deleting it.

    curl http://localhost:8485/api/t1.ds/object/one

List the keys and you should see that “one” is not longer there.

    curl http://localhost:8485/api/t1.ds/keys

In the shell session where datasetd is running press “ctr-C” to terminate the service.

datasetd 2.1.23