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Getting a sample of a collection and be done by generating a random sample of keys or by cloning a collection based on a random sample of objects.

Getting a random sample of keys

Create a random sample of keys. This uses the keys verb.

In this example 3 randomly selected keys would be returned from the collection named “mycollection.ds”.

    dataset keys -sample 3 mycollection.ds

Cloning a random sample of objects from a collection

When cloning a randomize sample of objects from a collection you often want two collections. Typically this is a training collection and a test collection. The “clone-sample” verb supports this when you provide two collection destinations.

In this example we create a training and testing collections based on a training sample size of 1000.

    dataset clone-sample -size=1000 mycollection.ds training.ds test.ds

If you only want a single sample collection skip the second collection name.

    dataset clone-sample -size=1000 mycollection.ds small-sample.ds