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mergepath can merge the new path parts with the existing path with creating duplications. It can also re-order existing path elements by prefixing or appending to the existing path and removing the resulting duplicate.


Below are a set of options available.

    -a, -append         Append the directory to the path removing any duplication
    -c, -clip           Remove a directory from the path
    -d, -directory      The directory you want to add to the path.
    -e, -envpath        The path you want to merge with.
    -examples           display example(s)
    -generate-manpage   generate man page
    -generate-markdown  generate markdown documentation
    -h, -help           display help
    -l, -license        display license
    -nl, -newline       if true add a trailing newline
    -p, -prepend        Prepend the directory to the path removing any duplication
    -quiet              suppress error messages
    -v, -version        display version


This would put your home bin directory at the beginning of your path.

export PATH=$(mergepath -p $HOME/bin)

mergepath v0.0.25