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Common options

Many of the command line programs that are part of datatools use command line options. These have largely been standardized. Here’s a list of common options and their general roles.

Standard Options

options description
-h, -help display help
-v, -version display version
-l, -license display license
-i, -input read from this input file, to read from standard input use -i -
-o, -output write to this output file
-quiet suppress error messages

Common Options

options description
-nl,-newline if true add a trailing newline, if false suppress it
-d, -delimiter for those commands that support setting delimiters
-od, -output-delimiter for those commands that support output delimiters
-s, -start for start times and indexe values
-e, -end for end times and indexe values
-E, -expression for expressions used by programs, e.g. filter expressions