Views in our various
EPrints repositories
Notes from Google Scholar
It looks likes /view/ids/ and /view/year/ maybe used by the GoogleBot
as Google Scholar understands EPrints’ directory layout even though
those aren’t usually linked from the homepage. We also want to generate
a “latest additions” link so that larger repositories can have their
additions and updates picked up quicker. Google Scholar docs are at
- People, person, persion-az include the creators.item values and
sometimes include contributors or editors values, should this be
- We have lots of pays to describe an EPrints item type, should be
standardize? (e.g. Type vs. Document Types)
Common views
- ids
is based on the eprint id, appears to be a default view but not usually
included in browseviews.html (results is a list of list of one item)
- publication
is based on publication simple field, many repositories have this,
labeling of view varies but path is consistent
- issn
is base on issn simple field, many repositories have this, labeling is
uppercase of field name
- group
is based on local_group.item, many repostiroes, labeling is usually
- person
is based on creators, is in many repositories but not often in
browseview.html, seems to be the same as people view, in some cases
(Campus Pubs) it appears to include people with other affilations such
as editor and contributors
- person-az
is based on creators, is in most repositories, often in browseview labed
- collection
is based on collection simple field, should probably be in all
repositories but isn’t listed often in browseview.html
- Person -> person-az
- Year -> year
- Document Type -> types
- Research Group -> group
- Collection -> collection
- Latest Additions -> cgi/latest (not sure that this is a standard
view, it may do a live SQL query each time it is hit given it’s slow
response time)
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Journal or Publication Title -> publication
- ISSN -> issn
- Year -> year
- Group -> group
- Person -> person
- Type -> types
- Person -> person-az
- Collection -> collection
- Latests Additions
- Recently published
- Author -> author (this appears to be the same as person-az in
other repositories)
- Committee Members -> committee
- Research Advisor -> advisor
- Option (Field of Study) -> option
- Degree/Thesis Type -> degree
- Year -> year
- Latest Additions -> cgi/latest (like CaltechAUTHORS)
- Research Group -> group
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Year -> year
- Option -> option (this is a custom field in thesis)
- Degree/Thesis Type -> degree (this appears semi-custom)
- Author -> author (this is really based on the creator field and
is probably the same code as person in the other repositories)
- Advisor -> advisor (this is based on thesis_advisor.item)
- Committee Member -> committee (this is based on
- Group -> group (this is based on local_group.item)
- Project Information -> /information.html (this about page
- Browse by Name -> person
- Browse by Subject -> subjects
- Search -> /searchoptions.html (MySQL based simple and advanced
search pages)
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Subject -> subjects
- Name -> person
Caltech Magazine (calteches)
- Year -> year
- Item Category -> subjects
- Author -> person-az
- Latest Additionas -> /cgi/latest
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Year -> year
- Item Category -> subjects
- Person -> person
- Author -> person-az
- Type -> types
- Person -> person-az
- Year -> year
- Conference -> event
- Collection -> collection
- Latest Additions -> /cgi/latest
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Journal or Publication Title -> publication
- ISSN -> issn
- Year -> year
- Conference -> event
- Person -> person
- Type -> types
- Person -> person-az
- Collection -> collection
Oral Histories (caltechoh)
- Person -> person-az
- Year -> year
- Subject -> subjects
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Year -> year
- Subject -> subjects
- Type -> types
- Person -> person-az
- Publication Title -> publication
- Year -> year
- Issuing Body -> issuing_body
- Author/Contribor -> person-az
- Document Type -> types
- Latest Additions -> /cgi/latest
- Eprint ID -> ids
- Publication Title -> publication
- Issuing Body -> issuing_body
- Type - types
- Author/Contributor Name -> person-az
- issuing_body
based on corp_creators.item where id is path and name is label