sitemapper generates a sitemap for the website.
Environment variables can be overridden by corresponding options
MKPAGE_DOCROOT # set the document root, defaults to current working directory
MKPAGE_SITEMAP # set the sitemap filename and path
MKPAGE_SITEURL # set the site url
Below are a set of options available. Options will override any corresponding environment settings.
-docs set the htdoc root
-examples display example(s)
-exclude A colon delimited list of path parts to exclude from sitemap
-generate-markdown generate markdown documentation
-h, -help display help
-l, -license display license
-o, -output output filename (for logging)
-quiet suppress error messages
-sitemap set the sitemap filename and path
-update, -update-frequency Set the change frequencely value, e.g. daily, weekly, monthly
-url set the site URL
-v, -version display version
sitemapper htdocs htdocs/sitemap.xml
sitemapper v0.2.4