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Newt Project

Newt is an experimental set of tools for rapid application development. Specifically Newt is focused on web based metadata curation tools. These types of applications are commonly needed in galleries, libraries, archives and museums (abbr: GLAM). Newt makes creating these type of applications easier.

How does Newt do that? Newt implements a service oriented architecture to assemble web applications.

You can think of a web application as a sequence of requests and responses. In a service oriented architecture we take advantage of that concept but enhance the model by allowing one web service to make a request to another. Typically when a web browser contacts your application one of two things will happen. Your app knows the answer and hands back the result. With the service oriented architecture your application has another option. Your application can contact another service and use that result to answer the request from the web browser. Newt makes this easy by providing a data router. Unlike setting up a proxy relationship in Apache or NGINX, Newt provides a pipeline1. Newt’s pipeline is expressed in YAML. The last service completed hands its result to the Newt Router which returns the result to the web browser.

Why is this important? Much of the “back end” of a web application is already available as off the shelf software. Here is a short list of examples.

This is not an exhaustive list. These types of applications can all be integrated into your application through configuring the connection in Newt’s YAML file. Newt Router runs the data pipelines.

Wait, what about my custom metadata needs?

That role can be filled by a JSON data source. In the second Newt prototype our focus is on using Postgres+PostgREST as that JSON data source. Newt’s code generator lends a hand here. Using Newt’s YAML file the code generator can generate SQL for setting up Postgres+PostgREST, the SQL for managing your objects and the configuration file for PostgREST. Additionally Newt’s code generator can render Mustache templates too. Between the SQL and Mustache templates you have the basic CRUD-L2 operations covered. Off the self software with the Newt generator, router and template service provides the core features for building many GLAM applications.

Does Newt clean my house or make cocktails?

Newt is a narrowly focused rapid application development toolbox. Newt will not clean your house or make a cocktail. Additionally it does not support the class of web applications that handle file uploads. That means it is not a replacement for Drupal, WordPress, Islandora, etc. Newt is for building applications more in line with ArchivesSpace but with simpler data models. If you need file upload support Newt is not the right solution at this time.

Newt applications are well suited to interacting with other applications that provide a JSON API. A service with a JSON API can be treated as a JSON data source. A JSON data source can easily be run through a pipeline. Many GLAM applications like ArchivesSpace and Invenio RDM provide JSON API. It is possible to extended those systems by creating simpler services that can talk to those JSON data sources. Newt is well suited to this “development at the edges” approach.

What if those systems aren’t available on localhost? In that case you need to provide a proxy from these services to localhost (e.g. via Apache 2, NGINX or Python script). You would write your Newt YAML file pointing at the localhost end point. This approach can be used to integrated external systems like ORCID, ROR, CrossRef, DataCite, Open Alex, Pub Med Central.

How does Newt impact web application development?

A Newt application encourages the following.

If Newt doesn’t make cocktails, what is it bringing to the party?

In 2024 there is allot of off the self software to build on. Newt provides a few tools to fill in the gaps.

Newt’s 2nd prototype is being tested building applications based on

The Newt YAML ties this together expressing

What type of applications are supported by Newt?

Most GLAM applications are focused on managing and curating some sort of metadata records. This is the primary target of Newt. This might be as simple as a controlled vocabulary or as complex as an archival or repository metadata record.


Over the last several decades web applications became very complex. This complexity is expensive in terms of reliability, enhancement, bug fixes and software sustainability. Newt address this by reducing the code you write and focusing your efforts on declaring what you want.

A brief historic detour to set context

Databases have been used to generate web pages since the early web. Databases are well suited to managing data. When the web became dynamic, databases continued to be use for data persistence. By 1993 the web as an application platform was born3 and with it a good platform for providing useful organizational and institutional software.

By the mid 1990s the Open Source databases like MySQL and Postgres were popular choices for building web applications. It is important to note neither MySQL or Postgres spoke HTTP4. To solve this problem many people wrote software in languages like Perl, PHP and Python that ran inside the popular Apache web server. It was a pain to setup but once setup relatively easy to build things that relied on databases. This led the web to explode with bespoke systems. By the late 1990s and early 2000s practice of “mashing up” sites (i.e. content reuse) was the rage. Bespoke systems took advantage of content reuse too. Yahoo Pipes was a very interesting expression of the “mashup culture”5. Yahoo Pipes inspired Newt’s data pipelines. Eventual the bespoke systems gave way to common use cases6. A good example of a common use case is Apache’s Solr search engine. Another example is how bespoke content management systems gave way to Drupal and WordPress.

fast forward to 2024, context set

Much of the back end of web applications can largely be assemble from off the shelf software. Middleware however remains complex. I believe this to be a by product of inertia in software development practices and the assumption that what is good for “Google Scale” is good for everyone.

I think a radical simplification is due. Newt is intended to spark that conversation. My observation is most software doesn’t need to scale large. Even in the research and GLAM communities we don’t routinely write software that scales as large as Zenodo. We don’t typically support tens of thousands of simultaneous users. If you accept that premise then we can focus our efforts around orchestrating off the shelf components and put our remaining development efforts into improving the human experience of using our software. A better human experience is an intended side effect of Newt.

A big key to simplification is narrowing the focus of our middleware. When our middleware has to implement everything it becomes very complex. Look at Drupal and WordPress. They implement data modeling, data management, user accounts, access management, data transformation.

I think our web services should be doing less, much less. Our web services should be narrowly focused. Conceptually simpler. Do one or two things really well. Newt enables using simpler discrete services to build our applications.

Working with off the shelf deliverables

Take the following as a “for instance”.

With the above list we can build capable applications relying on the sophisticated features of our web browsers. This is true even without using Newt. There is a problem though. If we only use the above software to build our application we must rely on JavaScript (or WASM module) running in the web browser to interact with the server. This sounds simpler. In practice this is a terrible idea7.

What we should do is use Newt to tie those JSON services together and send rendered HTML back to the web browser. Newt Router provides static file service and a means of pipelining our JSON data source through a template engine. Newt Mustache provides a template engine. Newt provides the missing bits from my original list so we don’t need to send JavaScript down the wire to the web browser. The Newt approach uses less bandwidth, fewer network accesses and less computations cycles on your viewing device. The Newt approach takes advantage of what the web browser is really good at without turning your web pages into a web service. Newt YAML describes the system you want. You get the Newt capabilities without writing much code. Maybe without writing any code if Newt’s code generator does a sufficient job for your needs.

A new baseline

Web services talk to other web services all the time. This isn’t new. It isn’t exotic. Newt scales down this approach to the single application.

In Spring 2024 for metadata curation apps I think the answer is “yes we can”.

What comes with the Newt Project?

The primary tools are.

Some additional tools are also provided. See the user manual for details.

About the Newt source repository

Newt is a project of Caltech Library’s Digital Library Development group. It is hosted on GitHub at If you have questions, problems or concerns regarding Newt you can use GitHub issue tracker to communicate with the development team. It is located at

Getting help

The Newt Project is an experiment!!. The source code for the project is supplied “as is”. Newt is a partially implemented prototype (April 2024). However if you’d like to ask a question or have something you’d like to contribute please feel free to file a GitHub issue, see

Newt, a type of salamander. Newts don’t seek attention. They do their own thing. You only notice them if you look very carefully.

  1. A data pipeline is formed by taking the results from one web service and using it as the input to another web service. It is the web equivalent of Unix pipes. Prior art: Yahoo! Pipes↩︎

  2. CRUD-L, acronym meaning, “Create, Read, Update, Delete and List”. These are the basic actions used to manage metadata or objects.↩︎

  3. Web applications proceeded to eat all the venerable green screen systems they could find. Today’s web is mired in surveillance tech and complex solutions. It has drifted far from Sir. Tim’s vision of sharing science documents. We need to refocus on the “good ideas” and jettison the complexity that came with the surveillance economy. Newt can be part of that solution. Develop your Newt application with consideration for others.↩︎

  4. HTTP being the protocol the communicates with. Essentially at the time RDBMS spoke a dialect of SQL as the unifying language. The web of the time understood HTML and to a certain degree XML. By 2000 people were looking for something simpler than XML to move structured data about. JSON quickly became the answer.↩︎

  5. The basic concept was to make it easy to work with “data feeds” and combined them into a useful human friendly web pages. It even included a visual programming language to make it friendly to the non-programmer crowd.↩︎

  6. If a use case is solved reliably enough it becomes “off the shelf” software.↩︎

  7. See for a nice discussion of the problem.↩︎