Newt is intended to work along side Postgres and PostgREST. I usually install PostgREST from source. I’ve had the best results on both Linux and macOS using GHCup to provide my Haskell build environment. Below is a quick recipe for building PostgREST. It is not intended to replace the PostgREST project documentation or installation instructions. It is offered here for convenience. This recipe reflects what I did to get PostgREST current releases installed on a Mac Mini with a M1 processor running macOS Sonoma. Your mileage may vary considerably.
The basic recipe is
ghcup tui
)source $HOME/.ghcup/env
Here is the steps I typed at the command line to install PostgREST on my M1 Mac Mini.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.ghcup/env
ghcup tui
git clone
cd postgrest
git checkout v11.1.0
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build
cabal install
cd ..