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Getting recent versions of PostgREST on M1/M2 Macs

Newt is intended to work along side Postgres and PostgREST. I usually install PostgREST from source. I’ve had the best results on both Linux and macOS using GHCup to provide my Haskell build environment. Below is a quick recipe for building PostgREST. It is not intended to replace the PostgREST project documentation or installation instructions. It is offered here for convenience. This recipe reflects what I did to get PostgREST current releases installed on a Mac Mini with a M1 processor running macOS Sonoma. Your mileage may vary considerably.

The basic recipe is

  1. Install Haskell with GHCup (I accept the defaults and use the “recommended” versions set via ghcup tui)
  2. Make sure the GHCup environment is available, source $HOME/.ghcup/env
  3. Make sure I am using the “recommended” of GHC, Cabal, Stack, etc.
  4. Clone the GitHub PostgREST
  5. Change to the cloned repository directory
  6. Checkout the version you want to build
  7. Run the usual Haskell/Cabal build process

Here is the steps I typed at the command line to install PostgREST on my M1 Mac Mini.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.ghcup/env
ghcup tui
git clone
cd postgrest
git checkout v11.1.0
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build
cabal install
cd ..