CSV files are commonly used to share data. Most spreadsheets and many database systems can export and import from CSV files. datatset can use a spreadsheet in CSV format to populate JSON objects in a collection. The header row of the CSV file will become the object attribute names and the rows will become their values. dataset requires a column of unique values to become the keys for the JSON objects stored in the collection.
You can export CSV directly from a collection too. The paths to the elements in the objects become the header row and the values exported from the objects become the subsequent rows.
NOTE: In an upcoming release of data the specific command line
parameters and Python method definitions may change. Now that
_dataset_ supports the concept of frames import and export to
a tabular structure (or even synchronizing with a tabular
structure) can be simplified. This document describes the current
release method for working with CSV files.
You can import rows of a CSV document as JSON documents. This is useful when you have a large number of simple structures.
In this example we have a simple CSV file containing the following
Ralph Rolf,ralph.rolf@zbs.example.org
Mojo Sam,mojo.sam@zbs.example.org
Little Frieda,little.frieda@zbs.example.org
Far Seeing Art,old.art@zbs.example.org
Jack Flanders,captain.jack@zbs.example.org
Save this file as characters.csv. To import this let’s create a collection named characters.
# import dataset if you haven't already ...
#from py_dataset import dataset
Now we can populate our characters collection by importing characters.csv. Then look at the keys.
dataset.import('characters-v1.ds', 'characters.csv', 2)
Notice the assigned ids. We used the second column, the one with th email heading to be our keys.
for key in dataset.keys('characters-v1.ds'):
obj, err = dataset.read('characters-v1.ds', key)
if err != '':
Now let’s make a new version of our characters collection but this time we’ll column one (the name column) as the key.
dataset.import('characters-v2.ds', 'characters.csv', 1)
Now our keys look a little different.
Reading the records back we see we have the JSON same document structure.
for key in dataset.keys('characters-v2.ds'):
obj, err = dataset.read('characters-v2.ds', key)
if err != '':
Our records look like…
{"email":"captain.jack@zbs.example.org","name":"Jack Flanders"}
{"email":"ralph.rolf@zbs.example.org","name":"Ralph Rolf"}
{"email":"mojo.sam@zbs.example.org","name":"Mojo Sam"}
{"email":"little.frieda@zbs.example.org","name":"Little Frieda"}
Let’s create a new collection and add “use-header-row=false” option.
c_name = 'characters-v4.ds'
csv_file = 'characters.csv'
id_col = 2
dataset.import(c_name, csv_file, id_col, use_header_row = False)
keys = dataset.keys(c_name)
for key in keys:
obj, err = dataset.read(c_name, key)
if err != '':
Our ids were from column two so keys()
should return a list like
Our objects should look something like
{"col1":"Ralph Rolf","col2":"ralph.rolf@zbs.example.org"}
{"col1":"Mojo Sam","col2":"mojo.sam@zbs.example.org"}
{"col1":"Little Frieda","col2":"little.frieda@zbs.example.org"}
{"col1":"Far Seeing Art","col2":"old.art@zbs.example.org"}
{"col1":"Jack Flanders","col2":"captain.jack@zbs.example.org"}
Explore what you see.
We can import data from a CSV file and store each row as a JSON document in dataset. You need to pick a column with unique values to be the key for each record in the collection. In this example we assume column one has the key value.
c_name = 'mydata.ds'
csv_file = 'my-data.csv'
id_col = 1
dataset.import(c_name, csv_file, id_col)
You can create a CSV export by providing the dot paths for each column and then givening columns a name.
csv_export = 'exported-my-data.csv'
f_name = 'export-frame'
keys = dataset.keys(c_name)
dot_paths = [ '.id', '.title', '.publication', '.pubDate' ]
labels = [ 'id', 'title', 'publication', 'date' ]
dataset.frame_create(c_name, keys, f_name, dot_paths, labels)
dataset.export_csv(c_name, f_name, csv_export)
If you wanted to restrict to a subset (e.g. publication in year 2016) You just need to create a frame with that restriction.
keys_2016 = dataset.key_filter(c_name, keys,'(eq 2016 (year .pubDate))')
f_name = 'published-2016'
csv_export = 'export-published-2016.csv'
dataset.frame_create(c_name, f_name, keys_2016, dot_paths, labels)
dataset.export(c_name, f_name, csv_exprot)