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Admin Shell Scripts

The repository has a collection of administrative shell scripts for managing Ubuntu Servers and their systems.


Each script includes supports for “-h” and “–help”. The output of the help option is suitable to process with Pandoc into a manual page.

    mkdir -p man/man1
    check-for-reboot.bash -h |\
    pandoc --from markdown --to man -s \

Check the man page or user manual for documentation on individual scripts.


Aside from the standard Unix/POSIX system utilities the following commands are needed by one or more shell scripts.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Make sure Pandoc is installed
  3. Run make and make install

By default it will install scripts in $HOME/bin and manpages in $HOME/man. If you need to install in /usr/local run make with the prefix option.

Install in your home directory

    git clone
    cd admin-shell-scripts
    make install

Install in /usr/local

    git clone
    cd admin-shell-scripts
    sudo make install prefix=/usr/local

Uninstall from your home diriectory

    cd admin-shell-scripts
    make uninstall

Uninstall form /usr/local

    cd admin-shell-scripts
    sudo make uninstall prefix=/usr/local