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doi2eprintxml OPTIONS DOI


doi2eprintxml is a Caltech Library centric application that takes one or more DOI, queries the CrossRef API and if that fails the DataCite API and returns an EPrints XML document suitable for import into EPrints. The DOI can be in either their canonical form or URL form (e.g. “10.1021/acsami.7b15651” or “”).


display help
display license
display version
attempt to download the digital object if object URL provided
only search CrossRef API for DOI records
Apply current Caltech Library Specific Rules to EPrintXML output (default true)
only search CrossRef API for DOI records
only search DataCite API for DOI records
only search DataCite API for DOI records
Add period to initials in given name
attempt to download the digital object if object URL provided
-eprints-url string
Sets the EPRints API URL
-i, -input
(string) set input filename
output EPrint structure as JSON
(string) set the mailto value for CrossRef API access (default “”)
(string) set the mailto value for CrossRef API access (default “”)
Use normalize publisher rule
Use normlize related url rule
Use normalize publication rule
-o, -output
(string) set output filename
set quiet output
output EPrint structure as Simplified JSON
Use trim creators list rule
Use trim number rule
Use trim series rule
Use trim title rule
Use trim volume rule


Example generating an EPrintsXML for one DOI

    doi2eprintxml "10.1021/acsami.7b15651" > article.xml

Example generating an EPrintsXML for two DOI

    doi2eprintxml "10.1021/acsami.7b15651" "10.1093/mnras/stu2495" > articles.xml

Example processing a list of DOIs in a text file into an XML document called “import-articles.xml”.

    doi2eprintxml -i doi-list.txt -o import-articles.xml

doi2eprintxml 1.2.4