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Demo using orcid api tool


Someone who will never have an ORCID

Tool Examples


    # This is an example of the environment configuration for accessing the ORCID Public API sandbox.
    # You need to modify these values to support your access to the public API or sandbox.
    # These values were taken from the public documentation on the API
    # See:
    # See:
    export ORCID_API_URL=""
    export ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET="3a87028d-c84c-4d5f-8ad5-38a93181c9e1"
    # You will need to manually set ORCID_ACCESS_TOKEN based on the response from
    # the request to /oauth/token providing providing the client_id and client_secret.
    # Once you have the JSON blob back you can then set the ORCID_ACCESS_TOKEN variable
    # and export it into your environment.
    # E.g. `export ORCID_ACCESS_TOKEN="3b5bd7e6-8499-40ac-ac21-7301b09d4aab"`

Update the etc/orcid-api.bash to your orcid api key and credentials. Then run –

    . etc/orcid-api.bash

Search Examples

    orcid -search 'Stephen AND Davison AND (Caltech OR "California Institute of Technology")'
    orcid -search 'Gail AND Clement AND (Caltech OR "California Institute of Technology")'
    orcid -search 'Thomas AND Morrel AND (Caltech OR "California Institute of Technology")'
    orcid -search 'Robert AND Doiel AND (Caltech OR "California Institute of Technology")'
    orcid -search 'Richard AND Feynman AND (Caltech OR "California Institute of Technology")'

Fetch ORCID records

    # Stephen Davison
    orcid -record 0000-0003-0102-8200
    # Gail Clement
    orcid -record 0000-0001-5494-4806
    # Tom Morrel
    orcid -record 0000-0001-9266-5146
    # Robert Doiel
    orcid -record 0000-0003-0900-6903