Goal of this recipe is to use the orcid cli and the “-works-detailed” option to generate a BibTeX file of the works listed when you view your ORCID profile.
The configuration needed by the orcid cli is includes three environment variables ORCID_API_URL, ORCID_CLIENT_ID and ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET. Here a sample of what an etc/orcid-api.bash might look like (note ORCID_CLIENT_ID and ORCID_CLIENT_SECRET are just placeholders as yours will be different than mine).
export ORCID_API_URL="https://pub.sandbox.orcid.org"
. etc/orcid-api.bash
orcid -works-detailed 0000-0003-0900-6903 > works-detailed.json
mkpage "data=works-detailed.json" templates/works-detailed-to-bibtex.tmpl > works-detailed.bib
cat works-detailed.bib
The final works-detailed.bib file would look something like.