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Supported ORCID API v2.0 End Points

Endpoint Description
/record Summary view of the full ORCID record
/person Biographical section of the ORCID record, including through /researcher-urls below
/address The researcher’s countries or regions
/email The email address(es) associated with the record
/external-identifiers Linked external identifiers in other systems
/keywords Keywords related to the researcher and their work
/other-names Other names by which the researcher is known
/personal-details Personal details: the researcher’s name, credit (published) name, and biography
/researcher-urls Links to the researcher’s personal or profile pages
/activities Summary of the activities section of the ORCID record, including through /works below.
/educations Education affiliations
/employments Employment affiliations
/fundings Summary of funding activities
/peer-reviews Summary of peer review activities
/works Summary of research works