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General deployment notes

For illustration purposes the deployment directory and site URL, and release version are

Overview steps taken

  1. Get the release zip file from
  2. unzip the release file into a temporary directory
  3. copy the binaries for the appropriate architecture (e.g. linux-amd64) to an appropraite bin directory (e.g. /Sites/
  4. copy, modify, and source the example configuration file (e.g. etc/cait.bash-example to /etc/cait.bash)
  5. copy and modify scripts/update-website.bash (if using Github webhooks)
  6. copy and modify scripts/nightly-update.bash for running under cron
  7. Test everything works
  8. If everything is OK then setup cronjob

Example shell commands run

    # Step 1
    curl -O
    # Step 2
    mkdir -p tmp && cd tmp
    # Step 3
    mkdir -p /Sites/
    cp -v dist/linux-amd64/* /Sites/
    # Step 4
    cp -v etc/cait.bash-example /Sites/
    # e.g. setup the value of $HOME to /Sites/
    # If needed include /Sites/ in PATH
    vi /Sites/
    . /Sites/
    # Step 5
    cp -v scripts/update-website.bash /Sites/
    vi /Sites/
    # Step 6
    cp -v scripts/nightly-update.bash /Sites/
    # e.g. Set the value of HOME to /Sites/
    vi /Sites/
    # Step 7
    cait -v
    cait-genpages -v
    cait-indexpages -v
    cait-servepages -v
    # Step 8
    # Add the cronjob for /Sites/
    cronjob -e
    # List the cronjob and verify it is correct.
    cronjob -l

Example cronjob

    #  field         allowed values
    #  -----         --------------
    #  minute        0-59
    #  hour          0-23
    #  day of month  1-31
    #  month         1-12 (or names, see below)
    #  day of week   0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
    # Run archives site update everyday at 6:30am.
    30 6 * * * /Sites/ >> /Sites/ 2>&1

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