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This project is experiment and yet to reach the working proof of concept stage. There is only a mimimal installation process beyond cloning this repository and building from source.

Quick install with curl or irm

There is an experimental script that can be run with the following command to install latest table release. This may work for macOS, Linux and if you’re using Windows with the Unix subsystem. This would be run from your shell (e.g. Terminal on macOS).

curl | sh

This will install dataset and datasetd in your $HOME/bin directory.

If you are running Windows 10 or 11 (x86_64 only) use the Powershell command below.

irm | iex

NOTE: If you want to install on ARM64 Windows, follow the build and install from source instructions below.

If your want to install a specific verions set the PKG_VERSION environment variable then download. E.g. version 0.0.1 in tihs example.

For Linux and macOS

export PKG_VERSION=0.0.1 curl | sh

For Windows

$env:PKG_VERSION = ‘0.0.1’ irm | iex

Build and install from source

Software Requiremets for building from source


  1. Clone the GitHub repository
  2. change into the metadatatools directory
  3. Run make
  4. Run make test
  5. Run make install
git clone
cd metadatatools
make test
make install

On Windows 10 or 11 on ARM you can either use the Linux Subsystem for Windows or Powershell. If you are using Powershell then you will not be able to use the Makefile since it assumes a POSIX system. Instead you can biuld using deno task build command. This will generate a mtd.exe in the bin folder. You can move the exe file to an appropriate place in your path.