Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 minQuestions
How can I import data in Python?
What is Pandas?
Why should I use Pandas to work with data?
Navigate the workshop directory and download a dataset.
Explain what a library is and what libraries are used for.
Describe what the Python Data Analysis Library (Pandas) is.
Load the Python Data Analysis Library (Pandas).
to read tabular data into Python.Describe what a DataFrame is in Python.
Access and summarize data stored in a DataFrame.
Define indexing as it relates to data structures.
Perform basic mathematical operations and summary statistics on data in a Pandas DataFrame.
Create simple plots.
We can automate the process above using Python. It’s efficient to spend time building the code to perform these tasks because once it’s built, we can use it over and over on different datasets that use a similar format. This makes our methods easily reproducible. We can also easily share our code with colleagues and they can replicate the same analysis.
To help the lesson run smoothly, let’s ensure everyone is in the same directory. This should help us avoid path and file name issues. At this time please navigate to the workshop directory. If you working in IPython Notebook be sure that you start your notebook in the workshop directory.
A quick aside that there are Python libraries like OS Library that can work with our directory structure, however, that is not our focus today.
For this lesson, we will be using the Cushman Collection metadata which is available on GitHub The origional version was encoded by excel and is therefore challenging to work with in pandas. We re-encoded the file by saving it in Excel as an xlsx and when using the xlsx2csv tool that is part of the datatools package.
We are studying the metadata from a photography collection.
The dataset is stored as a .csv
file: each row holds information for a
single photo, and the columns represent information about the photo.
We already looked through this file in OpenRefine.
A library in Python contains a set of tools (called functions) that perform tasks on our data. Importing a library is like getting a piece of lab equipment out of a storage locker and setting it up on the bench for use in a project. Once a library is set up, it can be used or called to perform many tasks.
One of the best options for working with tabular data in Python is to use the Python Data Analysis Library (a.k.a. Pandas). The Pandas library provides data structures, produces high quality plots with matplotlib and integrates nicely with other libraries that use NumPy (which is another Python library) arrays.
Python doesn’t load all of the libraries available to it by default. We have to
add an import
statement to our code in order to use library functions. To import
a library, we use the syntax import libraryName
. If we want to give the
library a nickname to shorten the command, we can add as nickNameHere
. An
example of importing the pandas library using the common nickname pd
is below.
import pandas as pd
Each time we call a function that’s in a library, we use the syntax
. Adding the library name with a .
before the
function name tells Python where to find the function. In the example above, we
have imported Pandas as pd
. This means we don’t have to type out pandas
time we call a Pandas function.
We will begin by locating and reading our survey data which are in CSV format.
We can use Pandas’ read_csv
function to pull the file directly into a
A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional data structure that can store data of different
types (including characters, integers, floating point values, factors and more)
in columns. It is similar to a spreadsheet or an SQL table or the data.frame
R. A DataFrame always has an index (0-based). An index refers to the position of
an element in the data structure.
# note that pd.read_csv is used because we imported pandas as pd
The above command yields output that shows a summary of the file contents.
We can see that there were 15,190 rows parsed. Each row has 90
columns. The first column is the index of the DataFrame. The index is used to
identify the position of the data, but it is not an actual column of the DataFrame.
It looks like the read_csv
function in Pandas read our file properly. However,
we haven’t saved any data to memory so we can work with it.We need to assign the
DataFrame to a variable. Remember that a variable is a name for a value, such as x
or data
. We can create a new object with a variable name by assigning a value to it using =
Let’s call the imported data cushman_df
cushman_df = pd.read_csv("cushman_encoded.csv")
Notice when you assign the imported DataFrame to a variable, Python does not
produce any output on the screen. We can print the value of the cushman_df
object by typing its name into the Python command prompt.
which prints contents like above
Now we can start manipulating our data. First, let’s check the data type of the
data stored in cushman_df
using the type
method. The type
method and
attribute tell us that cushman_df
is <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
# this does the same thing as the above!
We can also enter cushman_df.dtypes
at our prompt to view the data type for each
column in our DataFrame. int64
represents numeric integer values - int64
can not store decimals. object
represents strings (letters and numbers). float64
represents numbers with decimals.
which returns information about the different types for each column.
We’ll talk a bit more about what the different formats mean in a different lesson.
There are many ways to summarize and access the data stored in DataFrames, using attributes and methods provided by the DataFrame object.
To access an attribute, use the DataFrame object name followed by the attribute
name df_object.attribute
. Using the DataFrame cushman_df
and attribute
, an index of all the column names in the DataFrame can be accessed
with cushman_df.columns
Methods are called in a similar fashion using the syntax df_object.method()
As an example, survey_df.head()
gets the first few rows in the DataFrame
using the head()
method. With a method, we can supply extra
information in the parens to control behaviour.
Let’s look at the data using these.
Challenge - DataFrames
Using our DataFrame
, try out the attributes & methods below to see what they return.
Take note of the output ofshape
- what format does it return the shape of the DataFrame in?HINT: More on tuples, here.
Also, what doescushman_df.head(15)
We’ve read our data into Python. Next, let’s perform some quick summary statistics to learn more about the data that we’re working with. We might want to know how many animals were collected in each plot, or how many of each species were caught. We can perform summary stats quickly using groups. But first we need to figure out what we want to group by.
Let’s begin by exploring our data:
# Look at the column names
Let’s get a list of all the roll IDs. The pd.unique
function tells us all of
the unique values in the Roll ID
pd.unique(cushman_df['Roll ID'])
Let’s put those numbers in order
sorted(pd.unique(cushman_df['Roll ID'])
Challenge - Statistics
Create a list of unique years found in the surveys data. Call it
.How many years were pictures taken?
We often want to calculate summary statistics grouped by subsets or attributes within fields of our data. For example, we might want to calculate the average weight of all individuals per plot.
We can calculate basic statistics for all records in a single column using the syntax below:
cushman_df['Roll number'].describe()
gives output
count 15190.000000
mean 11.529032
std 8.092171
min 0.000000
25% 5.000000
50% 10.000000
75% 17.000000
max 40.000000
Name: Roll number, dtype: float64
We can also extract one specific metric if we wish:
cushman_df['Roll number'].min()
cushman_df['Roll number'].max()
cushman_df['Roll number'].mean()
But if we want to summarize by one or more variables, for example year, we can
use Pandas’ .groupby
method. Once we’ve created a groupby DataFrame, we
can quickly calculate summary statistics by a group of our choice.
# Group data by sex
sorted_data = cushman_df.groupby('Year')
The pandas function describe
will return descriptive stats including: mean,
median, max, min, std and count for a particular column in the data. Pandas’
function will only return summary values for columns containing
numeric data.
# summary statistics for all numeric columns
## Quickly Creating Summary Counts in Pandas
Let's next count the number of photos pr year. We can do this in a few
ways, but we'll use `groupby` combined with **a `count()` method**.
# count the number of photos per year
counts_per_year = sorted_data['IU Archives Number'].count()
It’s then easy to turn these results into a plot
%matplotlib inline
Weight by species plot
We can also look at how many animals were captured in each plot:
total_count = cushman_df['record_id'].groupby(cushman_df['plot_id']).nunique()
# let's plot that too
Challenge - Plots
- Create a plot of average weight across all species per plot.
- Create a plot of total males versus total females for the entire dataset.
Summary Plotting Challenge
Create a stacked bar plot, with weight on the Y axis, and the stacked variable being sex. The plot should show total weight by sex for each plot. Some tips are below to help you solve this challenge:
- For more on Pandas plots, visit this link.
- You can use the code that follows to create a stacked bar plot but the data to stack need to be in individual columns. Here’s a simple example with some data where ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ are the groups, and ‘one’ and ‘two’ are the subgroups.
d = {'one' : pd.Series([1., 2., 3.], index=['a', 'b', 'c']),'two' : pd.Series([1., 2., 3., 4.], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])} pd.DataFrame(d)
shows the following data
one two a 1 1 b 2 2 c 3 3 d NaN 4
We can plot the above with
# plot stacked data so columns 'one' and 'two' are stacked my_df = pd.DataFrame(d) my_df.plot(kind='bar',stacked=True,title="The title of my graph")
- You can use the
method to transform grouped data into columns for each plotting. Try running.unstack()
on some DataFrames above and see what it yields.Start by transforming the grouped data (by plot and sex) into an unstacked layout, then create a stacked plot.
Solution to Summary Challenge
First we group data by plot and by sex, and then calculate a total for each plot.
by_plot_sex = cushman_df.groupby(['plot_id','sex']) plot_sex_count = by_plot_sex['weight'].sum()
This calculates the sums of weights for each sex within each plot as a table
plot sex plot_id sex 1 F 38253 M 59979 2 F 50144 M 57250 3 F 27251 M 28253 4 F 39796 M 49377 <other plots removed for brevity>
Below we’ll use
on our grouped data to figure out the total weight that each sex contributed to each plot.by_plot_sex = cushman_df.groupby(['plot_id','sex']) plot_sex_count = by_plot_sex['weight'].sum() plot_sex_count.unstack()
function above will display the following output:sex F M plot_id 1 38253 59979 2 50144 57250 3 27251 28253 4 39796 49377 <other plots removed for brevity>
Now, create a stacked bar plot with that data where the weights for each sex are stacked by plot.
Rather than display it as a table, we can plot the above data by stacking the values of each sex as follows:
by_plot_sex = cushman_df.groupby(['plot_id','sex']) plot_sex_count = by_plot_sex['weight'].sum() spc = plot_sex_count.unstack() s_plot = spc.plot(kind='bar',stacked=True,title="Total weight by plot and sex") s_plot.set_ylabel("Weight") s_plot.set_xlabel("Plot")
Key Points