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excelquery is an experimental utility designed to update workbook files (.xlsx) taking a column as search query strings and putting the results in another worksheet of the same workbook. This proof of concept works with EPrints repository software relying on advanced search and results returned in RSS2 format. By default the search if performanced against CaltechAUTHORS repository. You can point at a different EPrints repository by setting the environment variable EPRINTS_SEARCH_URL.



The command line program excelquery takes the name of a xlsx file along with a sheet name (or number) and the column name for the query string. A sheet name can optionally be supplied for results. By default it searches on “Sheet1” and by default a new sheet is created called “Result”. This can be changed with the “-s” and “-r” command line options.

The simple form where column A in *Sheet 1” holds the query string and results will be put in a new sheet called “Result”

    excelquery titlelist.xlsx "Sheet 1" A 

excelquery will display console message describing the processing on stdout. If there are errors they will be sent to stderr with catastrophic errors exiting with a value 1. If the program is successful it will exit with the value 0.


    -h, -help     show help information
    -l, -license  show license information
    -v, -version  show version information
    -s, -skip     set boolean for skipping first row of spreadsheet (default true)


    excelquery ./testdata/demo2.xlsx "Title List" A

This opens demo2.xlsx and uses the sheet named “Title List”. It populates fresh results in in a new sheet called “Result” based on the query string in column A of “Title List”. The results are taken from the item field of the RSS2 response to the search request.