Below is a collection man manual pages for each of the command line
tools that comes with the datatools project.
- codemeta2cff, generate a
CITATION.cff file from a codemeta.json file
- csv2json, convert CSV into a JSON
- csv2mdtable, convert CSV into a
Markdown table (for use with Pandoc)
- csv2tab, convert CSV to a tab delimited
- csv2xlsx, convert CSV to Excel XML
formatted file
- csvcleaner, cleanup a CSV file and
normalize it
- csvcols, extract columns of values from
a CSV file
- csvfind, find content in a CSV
- csvjoin, join two CSV files into
- csvrows, extract rows of values from a
CSV file
- finddir, find a directory
- findfile, find a file (e.g. list for a
files recursively by file extension)
- json2toml, convert JSON to TOML
- json2yaml, convert JSON to YAML
- jsoncols, extract columns from
- jsonjoin, join JSON documents
- jsonmunge, process JSON through a go
- jsonrange, iterate a JSON expression
of a list
- jsonobjects2csv, render a JSON
list of objects to CSV file, flattens cells as YAML if needed
- sql2csv, convert a SQL query into a CSV
- tab2csv, tab delimited file to CSV
- toml2json, TAML to JSON
- xlsx2csv, convert an Excel XML file’s
“sheet” to csv
- xlsx2json, convert an Excel XML
file’s “sheet” into JSON
- yaml2json, convert YAML into
Shell helpers
- mergepath, manage the PATH
environment variable (e.g. remove duplication paths, append, insert and
cut from PATH list)
- range, emit a range of numbers (can be
ascending, descending, odd/even, etc)
- reldate, compute a relative date in
YYYY-MM-DD format
- reltime, compute a relative time in
HH:MM:SS format
- timefmt, format a time string
- urlparse, parse a URL into its
components (e.g. protocol, hostname, path)
String manipution
- string, various string manipulation
actions, append, cut, pad, trim, etc.