1. 1 monoderm cells have asingle membrane
  2. 2 monoderm bacteria usually also have a thick cell wall
  3. 3 diderm bacteria have a thin cell walland an outer membrane
  4. 4 vesicles can bud fromeither the outer or inner membrane
  5. 5 monoderms and diderms may also have a surface layer of protein
  6. 6 archaea use their surface layers for structural support
  7. 7 some bacteria have more complicated envelopes
  8. 8 ...as do some archaea!


Concept Check Questions

• What kind of macromolecule makes up the membrane? The cell wall? The surface layer?

• What is the difference between a monoderm and a diderm?

• What is the main function of the cell wall?

• What is a nucleoid?

Further Reading

• Errington (2013). L-form bacteria, cell walls and the origins of life [26].

• Ptacin and Shapiro (2013). Chromosome architecture is a key element of bacterial cellular organization [27].

• Sleytr and Beveridge (1999). Bacterial S-layers [28].

• Strahl and Errington (2017). Bacterial membranes: Structure, domains, and function [29].