If you’d like to download this digital book to read offline (not recommended for mobile devices), choose one of the options below. The full version (13.9GB) contains full-resolution 1080p videos; the light version (5.6GB) contains reduced-size 480p videos. These packages are also available from the Caltech DATA repository at https://doi.org/10.22002/0cssj-16105. Once the selected package has downloaded, unzip it and open the folder. Double-click the file named “index.html” to start reading the book in your browser (offline).
The PDF version (0.23GB) contains only the text and static images, and we recommend viewing it in a two-page layout. It is available from the CaltechDATA repository at https://doi.org/10.22002/yb980-fv804.
The review pack (50MB) contains static images from the book, with and without labels, to serve as an aid for study and testing. It is available from the CaltechDATA repository at https://doi.org/10.22002/dvjrk-9a406.
Note that the offline book won’t have any updates that occurred since you downloaded it, so please check back here periodically for new editions.